§ 2.04.120. Order of business.  

Latest version.
  • At one regular meeting each month, the business of the council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order:


    Call to Order. The mayor shall call the meeting to order. In the absence of the mayor, the vice mayor shall call the council to order. In the absence of both the mayor and the vice mayor, the clerk shall call the council to order and a council member shall be selected to chair the meeting. Upon the arrival of the mayor or the vice mayor, the vice mayor or the council member shall immediately relinquish the chair upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the council. The mayor shall preserve order and decorum, decide all questions of order and conduct the proceedings of the meetings in accordance with the parliamentary rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order.


    Roll Call. The mayor or the clerk may call the roll of the members and the clerk shall enter the names of those present in the minutes.


    Minutes. The minutes of any prior council meeting shall be approved with any corrections.


    Reports by Officers. The mayor, council members and town staff may present reports. Any report that needs to be discussed shall be put on a future agenda.


    Call to Public. Any citizen desiring to speak on a matter that is not scheduled on the agenda may do so at this time. Comments shall be limited to three minutes per person and shall be addressed to the town council as a whole, and not to any individual member. Issues raised shall be limited to those within the jurisdiction of the town council. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, the town council cannot discuss or act on items presented at this time. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual town council members may: (1) respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the public body; (2) ask staff to review a matter; and (3) ask that a matter be put on a future agenda.


    Unfinished Business. The council shall consider any business that has been previously considered and which is still unfinished.


    New Business. The council shall consider any business not heretofore considered including the introduction of ordinances and resolutions.


    [Adjournment.] The council may, by majority vote of those present, adjourn from time to time to a specific date and hour.

    (Ord. 2006-9, 2006: prior code §2-4-6)

(Ord. No. 2012-11, Exh. A, 8-7-2012)